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Chapelstreet Church
2300 South Street Geneva, IL. 60134
Advancing Kingdom Impact Through Financial Resources
At Chapelstreet Church, we seek to equip God’s people to Experience Grace, Grow in Faith, and Make an Impact. Through the grace and mercy of Jesus, we desire to see lives transformed from our neighborhoods to the nations of the world by the power of His Gospel. It is our highest priority that every financial gift is stewarded well and invested wisely for kingdom advancement. As God has been generous towards us in Christ, we are called to be generous toward His kingdom mission in the world.
Generosity lies at the very heart of the gospel. God loved us so much that He gave His Son so that we may share eternal life with Him (John 3:16). God invites us to learn of His faithfulness through our generosity. Giving is an act of worship. It is what God wants for us, not just from us! Giving honors God, it moves His mission forward, and it is good for our souls.
God is interested in our hearts more than our resources. The Lord wants cheerful givers fully committed to Him. We may not all be able to give the same dollar amount, but we can all have a part in kingdom impact through our generosity.
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God owns everything, we are merely His managers. Stewardship means as children of God we are called to manage what God entrusts to our care: His blessings, His resources, for His purpose and glory.
Because God owns everything and we are modeling our lives after Jesus, it is our responsibility to be found faithful in managing all things big and small. Luke 12:48b says, “when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required,” therefore we must manage wisely that which has been given to us.
If we truly understand God as the owner of all, then we’re His stewards, His managers. Stewardship is the management of God’s resources. As kingdom co-laborers, we are responsible for all entrusted into our care and will be called to give an account for how we managed those resources. We believe this means we should work hard, invest well, and serve effectively as the vessel through which God’s grace and love can move.
1. What are the areas of generosity God is calling me into Where should I give and serve?
2. What level of sacrifice and investment is God calling me into? How much should I give?
At Chapelstreet Church, we define generosity as “freedom from the smallness of heart.” Through our generosity we expand our heart for God and for the world. Generosity is a lifestyle in which we demonstrate God’s love. At its core, it is the gracious and willing response to share with others what God has given to us.
When we submit to God in generosity, we are prompted to give as He directs us. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be generous in all areas and towards all people. Faithful giving is predicated upon a thoughtful and thankful life. As we encounter God and determine His will for our lives, inspiration will follow to give from a good and grateful place according to our means. As with all spiritual disciplines, the true key is obedience and trust.
1. Do you look for opportunities to be generous or shy away from them? Why and/or why not?
2. What could it look like if you were to begin to trust God in new and generous ways with your resources?
Giving is what a person does when they embrace the promises of stewardship and generosity. From this place they care about and give to things that touch the heart of God.
At Chapelstreet, we see people giving because they understand that God first gave to us. Tithes and offerings are often grouped together, but they’re not the same thing. A tithe is a specific amount (10% of your income) that you give to God first. An offering is anything extra you give above and beyond that 10% tithe.
Biblical stewardship produces gratitude, and gratitude produces generosity. We learn to live with the perspective that we’re blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). In submitting to God, we are inspired to give, according to our means, with a cheerful heart. When we fully understand stewardship, we recognize that our resources are on loan to us and we’re returning what is rightfully His. It is in our giving where we outwardly express our gratitude to Him in a tangible and visible way.
When God is at the center of our lives, we want to honor Him and align our priorities with His. This is where we begin to pray “Your kingdom come, Your will be done.” Giving flows from a heart fully surrendered to Him. As we give, we are affirming our belief in God’s goodness and generosity and our growing trust in Him.
Giving challenges us to pursue and trust God above all. Giving focuses our lives on kingdom matters and elevates our focus beyond the superficial of our personal comfort and pleasure. Our giving reveals what our heart truly values. When we shift our mindset away from what we are giving up, we can focus on what we have already gained in Christ. This small but radical shift allows us to live a life where we can never outgive God.
1. What obstacles keep you from giving the way your heart would truly desire to give?
2. What would it look like if you were to give a sacrificial gift?
3. If you viewed giving as an act of worship, would your perception of giving change?
4. Do you give regularly to Chapelstreet Church?
5. Is your giving motivated by obligation, obedience, or love? How can you tell?
6. What would it take for you to move to the next step?
Next Steps
Whether you have never given a financial gift to the church or you give consistently and extravagantly, our goal is for everyone who calls Chapelstreet Church their church home to start, continue, or grow in their generosity journey. To that end, we have developed a “Generosity Pathway” to encourage you to take the next—or first—step of giving in joyful obedience to the Lord. We have identified four steps in giving:
First Steps – I’m getting started in my life of generosity
Consistent – I give to the kingdom with regularity
Proportional – I give an intentional portion of my income to kingdom purposes
Extravagant – God has enabled me to be more generous than I ever imagined
General Fund
Community Compassion Fund (Shepherd’s Heart)
Neighborhood Church Multiplication Fund
L.E.A.D. Fund
Serve the World Fund